Royal Caribbean [Social Media]

I worked with the internal social media team at Royal Caribbean as a freelance copywriter from September 2018 to January 2019. During that time, I covered the launching of the company’s latest ship, Symphony of the Seas. Below is a series of posts showcasing the style of copy I created during my time there.

Blog: Food Network Latam

In 2017, I did some freelance work for the client Food Network (Latin America) which included writing several blog posts for their site .

Here are some examples of that.


BLOG: ¿Qué es el pan de nube?

1-cloud-bread  Un pan sin harinas, libre de gluten y fácil de preparar en casa. ¿Será que verdaderamente existe dicho milagro?

El pan de nube (también conocido como “cloud bread”), afirma ser la solución perfecta para la gente que desea cortar carbohidratos de su dieta. Hecho a base de huevos y queso crema, esta receta se ha popularizado en las redes sociales como un sustituto al pan. Si buscas en internet, puedes encontrar el pan de nube en miles de recetas – hamburguesas, pizzas, tostadas, sándwiches, etc.

A diferencia del pan, estas nubecitas también contienen vitaminas A y B. Con tan solo cuatro ingredientes, son fáciles de preparar y hasta se pueden congelar para comer más adelante.

Pero si ya estás listo para deshacerte del pan en tu despensa, deberías saber que nada es perfecto. Existen opiniones mixtas, pero la gran mayoría coincide que el pan de nube no se compara al pan tradicional en términos de sabor. La textura es muy esponjosa y hasta puede ser un poco mojada. En términos de nutrición, este “pan” no contiene fibra, así que si deseas incorporarlo a tu dieta en vez del pan regular, tienes que asegurarte de consumir otras comidas que tengan fibra (ejemplo: frutas y granos).

Entonces, ¿cuál es el veredicto final? Puede ser una buena idea para reemplazar pan en algunas de tus comidas, especialmente si tienes restricciones de gluten en tu dieta. Pero al final, una dieta balanceada debe incluir un poco de todo. Si te intriga está nueva tendencia, acá puedes encontrar otra receta similar: Huevos Nubes


BLOG: Cómo limpiar tu casa después de las fiestas navideñas


Después de las comidas, los regalos y las fiestas, ¿qué nos queda de las navidades aparte de las miles de resoluciones de año nuevo? Probablemente un reguero por toda la casa.

La limpieza después de las fiestas navideñas puede ser una tarea abrumadora, pero si te lo tomas con calma y sigues unos cuantos consejos, también puede ser una gran manera de comenzar el año nuevo.

La cocina es un buen sitio por dónde empezar. Primero que todo, revisa la nevera y bota cualquier comida que tenga más de una semana. Luego limpia y organiza las divisiones. Puedes hacer una mezcla de vinagre y agua para limpiar los estantes de adentro y la parte de afuera. Después de la nevera, usa la misma mezcla de vinagre para limpiar la mesada de la cocina y los gabinetes.

Cuando comiences a guardar las decoraciones de navidad, recuerda que si lo haces de manera organizada, será mejor para ti cuando las vuelvas a sacar el próximo diciembre. Las luces pueden ser fáciles de enredar, así que trata de envolverlas alrededor de un pedazo de cartón o algo parecido.

Finalmente, no olvides limpiar los baños a fondo. Entre invitados y familiares visitando, estos cuartos probablemente tengan más uso de lo normal durante las navidades. Todos sabemos la importancia de limpiar los inodoros, pero recuerda que los lavamanos también atrapan muchos gérmenes. Llena el lavamanos con agua y un poco de jabón y déjalo reposar por unos minutos. Luego restriega los lados con una esponja y déjalo drenar.

¿Tienes algún consejo de limpieza? Compártelo en los comentarios.


BLOG: Tendencias de comida que esperamos en el 2018


Prepara tu paladar porque el 2018 trae nuevos sabores y texturas que probablemente nunca hayas probado. Aquí listamos cuatro tendencias de comida que no te puedes perder este año nuevo:

  1. Poke bol

Originalmente de Hawái, este plato sigue el principio de servir varios ingredientes en un tazón. El ingrediente principal es pescado crudo, el cual se mezcla con distintas variaciones, entre ellas arroz, algas, aguacate, repollo y cebolla. Un poco de salsa de soya le da el toque final a esta refrescante variación al tazón tradicional

  1. Bebidas florales

Si el 2017 fue el año de los vegetales, el 2018 es el año de las flores. Así es, prepárate para encontrar rosas, lavandas e hibiscos en todo tipo de bebidas – tés, cócteles y hasta agua con gas.

  1. Alimentos fermentados

Lo más probable es que ya consumas varias comidas fermentadas – yogurt, vino, queso, etc. Pero en el 2018 verás más vegetales encurtidos y bebidas fermentadas, como la kombucha. Dos beneficios de estos alimentos: son buenos para el estómago y el intestino, y hacen que la comida dure más.

  1. Sabores del Medio Este

¿Eres amante del humus y el falafel? Entonces esta tendencia de encantará. Los sabores del Medio Este tendrán un ‘boom’ global este año nuevo, así que espera ver más recetas de países como Israel, Marruecos e Irán con sabores a base de coriandro, azafrán, menta y muchos más.


BLOG: Bebidas navideñas típicas de diferentes países



BLOG: Diferentes tipos de aceites y cómo usarlos



BLOG: Toma más agua: 5 recetas para darle más sabor al agua



BLOG: 5 manderas de hacer que tu fiesta de fin de año sea todo un éxito



BLOG: Dile adiós a las “resoluciones” y hola a los cambios saludables este 2018



BLOG: 7 meriendas con proteína para mantenerte lleno por más tiempo



Social Media: Pine-Sol

During the 2016 Academy Awards season, Pine-Sol found a humorous and interactive way to join the Oscars’ real-time commentary. As the copywriter, I worked with the creative team to develop tweets and image/GIF copies that were used during the red carpet and live show. We created adaptions of movie posters for the nominated films as well as real-time reactions in the form of GIFs featuring the Pine-Sol Lady.

The brand delivered a fun experience that not only allowed it to enter a trending conversation with the use of the hashtag #FreshWin, but also showcased the product and its qualities in an unexpected way that resonated with different audiences.

Some KPIs and highlight tweets:

3.28M impressions

81.1k engagements

Copy: Silvia Rodriguez

Graphics: Oriana Gonzalez


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Scripts: Kaiser Permanente

Over the past two years since I have taken over social media content creation, we have significantly increased the amount of multimedia work that is created and published on a monthly basis.

As of now, we have two video series, Know This and Disparity Facts. Both are focused on providing valuable information to the audience while also showcasing the work and research of Kaiser Permanente.

Know This is modeled in a “fun fact” or “tip” style video, with the aim of providing quick, easy to digest information on certain topics. These videos primarily live on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.

Disparity Facts has a more serious tone and focuses on research, specifically on how these affect different minority groups, and provides information on how the company deals with closing disparity gaps in healthcare.

The scripts are written in English and Spanish, depending on the audience and taking into consideration cultural and linguistic difference.

Scripts: Silvia Rodriguez

Know This

Disparity Facts

Social Media: Kaiser Permanente (Español)

The content for the U.S. Hispanic market aimed to deliver the brand message through the lens of the Latino audience core values. As the lead editor for the Kaiser Permanente Viva Bien social channels, I curated content and copy from the English market to ensure cultural relevance.

Post copy & image copy: Silvia Rodriguez

Graphics: Oriana Gonzalez & Mathias Ramos

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Social TV: Univision

Some of the shows I have managed and strategized for are:

Nuestra Belleza Latina
Season 9, January 2015


– Weekly Live Tweeting

-Instagram photo challenge premiere countdown:

Planned and executed a successful 14 day photo challenge for our followers. Included daily reposts of fans completing the challenge all the way up to the premiere night. The hashtag, #NBLReady, had over 6k posts by the premiere date.

– Developed weekly concepts for each platform, including:

Queen talk (Facebook) – using past winners to talk about a certain topic with one of the current contestants. Video views averaged 140K, with one reaching 600K.

Selfie challenge with Luis Coronel (Facebook) – each contestant had to take a selfie with guest talent Luis Coronel. Photos were published in a FB album. The girl with the photo with the most likes (63K+) received a Facebook chat with the fans.

WOD with Claudia Molina – every Tuesday, the contestants’ trainer would send us a video of a work out with the girls. Vide was published on FB and Instagram.

#NBLSuperwoman – Instagram challenge tied to the network’s empowering platform. This consisted of a 4-week contest in which we asked fans to share a different outfit that made them feel empowered (work out outfit, career, etc). Every week we a winner would be chosen and announced on air during one of the social media segments of the show. Hashtag had over 4K entries during the time of the campaign.

NBL 2015 was ranked one of the highest engaged shows on Nielsen Social.

To see more of the pages I managed: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Vine.

Premios Juventud
July 16, 2015

Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 9.56.29 PM

I was the project manager leading up to the event, which included keeping the team on task and making sure everything was ready for the day of the show. I was also the lead in posting on all the show’s platforms.

Coverage for the show began three days prior to the event, live from rehearsals. I was part of the team that organized the content being pushed on every platform, including sales posts.

– Live tweeted during the red carpet show and the 3 hour, main event.

Some of the highlights from the show were:

– #PremiosJuventud hashtag trending on Instagram the day of the event (all day).

– #PremiosJuventud trending on Facebook the night of the event and the day after

– #PJLook5Harmony, #PJLookBeckyG (fashion award hashtags) trending world wide on TW.

– #PJBestial5H, #PJBestialAnahi (best performance hashtag, tied to client) trending world wide on TW.

To see more of the pages I managed: FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

La Banda
Season 1, September 2015

La Banda is a new show on Univision that premieres September 13th, 2015

La Banda premeried on September 2015 on Univision.

Worked alongside the social team during the first season on La Banda airing on Univision. Our main goals were:

  • Creating pre-buzz strategy to lead into the show’s premiere
  • Building an audience across our different social channels from scratch
  • Continue the show’s buzz throughout the week, engaging fans and making them a part of the digital, off-air experience.

Some of my personal tasks during the season, where:

  • Project manage team
  • Establish and implement social strategy
  • Plan, create and post daily content
  • Work with video editor and graphic designer for strategy and look-and-feel of graphics
  • Produce social-exclusive video content, including the series “La Banda Fridays”
  • On-air social activations

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Vine.

Va Por Ti
Season 1, September 2014

Twitter and Instagram.

Premio Lo Nuestro
February 2015

Facebook and Twitter.

Journey captures correlation between journalism, politics

Vanessa Rodriguez’s journey captures the correlation between journalism and politics. By Silvia Rodriguez/SFNS. from South Florida News Service on Vimeo.

Vanessa Rodriguez, born in Venezuela, came to live in the United States after her family’s safety became an issue following the April 2002 political crisis the country faced. Inspired by the political events that changed her life, Rodriguez, now a journalism student at Florida International University, took a bus trip to the Venezuelan embassy in New Orleans, La., to vote and to cover the Venezuelan elections after the death of Hugo Chavez. She was one of 6,000 Venezuelans living abroad who made the trip to New Orleans after the country shut down the embassy in Miami, Fla. Rodriguez’s journey captures the correlation between journalism and politics and one nation’s determination to be a part of the electoral procedure, regardless of distance. Video produced by Silvia Rodriguez/South Florida News Service.

First Lady and actress Kerry Washington visit school in D.C.

Kerry Washington and First Lady at D.C.’s Savoy Elementary from Silvia Rodriguez on Vimeo.

First lady Michelle Obama and actress Kerry Washington visit Savoy Elementary in Washington on May 24. The school, which was once the lowest performing schools in the District, was picked to be a part of the Turnaround Arts Initiative. This public-private partnership helps the low performing schools increase academic achievements by providing arts programs for the students. Obama visited classrooms and spoke to the student body. Kerry, who is the turnaround artist assigned to Savoy, performed with them — including doing a cartwheel on stage. The school’s arts program director, Carol Foster, says she’s already seen a change in the students’ attitudes toward academics and is hoping this change is reflected in test scores. Video produced by Silvia Rodriguez for the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire.